Remembering a loved one

Welcome to BTO’s Remembrance Page - a special place where we invite family and friends to celebrate the lives of loved ones, their love for birds and the natural world. Share a photo, a birdwatching memory or a special story as a lasting tribute.

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David Barrans

Betty Barrans

My husband, David, loved his birds. He joined the BTO in 1982 and undertook various surveys. He took part in work for two Breeding Atlases and a Winter Atlas. He was a trainee ringer and helped to ring at Spurn Point and on Jinack Island in The Gambia. He attended BTO conferences which he much enjoyed and increased his knowledge of birds. When he retired he studied for and gained the Certificate in Ornithology from Birmingham University to increase his knowledge even more. He was keen to get others interested in birds and formed Birdwatching Clubs in the schools he taught in. He was a founder member of Huddersfield Birdwatching Club and of Shepley Bird and Wildlife Group. He felt very lucky to have been able to birdwatch in Europe, Africa and Asia and to have had such a fulfilled birding life. Betty

David Barrans