Remembering a loved one

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Pamela Joy Miller

Richard & Jon (her nephews)

Pamela Joy Miller was passionate about birds and passed on her interest to her two nephews, who themselves passed on their interest to their daughters; Alana and Karina (Richard’s daughters) and Sarah and Madeleine (Jon’s daughters). Here Pam is pictured in 2008 swinging her binoculars, when she went with her nephew to Skomer Island off the Pembrokeshire coast. She was aged 77 at the time and still managed the very steep steps. She was an avid birdwatcher right up until her passing in 2015 aged 85. The family decided to name PJ, the BTO satellite-tracked Cuckoo, in her memory the following year. PJ became a bird celebrity after completing a record-making six migration cycles, reflecting Pam's strength, determination and feistiness. Jon & Richard

Pamela Joy Miller